Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1545
Housing Explorations. Unidad Vecinal Portales in Santiago
This article explores the contribution of Unidad Vecinal Portales – built in Santiago de Chile by the studio Bresciani, Valdés, Castillo y Huidobro – to the debates on social housing in Chile between the 1940s and 1960s. ...
Modern heritage, organic space, material permanence: Torres Posse House in Tafí del Valle
The Torres Posse House (1957-1958) is a testimony to the particular forms that the modern house took in the context of northern Argentina, and at the same time shows how the conservation and sustainability of modern heritage ...
A construção social do direito à moradia: uma análise da comunidade “Estação dos Ventos”, no município de Santa Maria, RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2014-12-02)
The housing right is a fundamental human right, under the Citizen's Constitution. Neverthless, it is possible to see that this right is not effective and it is not warranted to a considerable parcel of the brazilian ...
Direct action, institutional struggle, democracy building: learning from the housing movementsAção direta, luta institucional, construção democrática: aprendendo com os movimentos de sem-teto
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2021)
Resisting ‘peripheral debt systems’: Housing movements against financialization in Chile
(Univ Chile Inst Vivienda INVI, 2021)
In the context of the financialization of housing
and everyday life, mortgage credits and other forms
of indebtedness have become key factors. Recent
studies have explored the idea of debt as power
relations mainly in ...
Efeitos Combinados Dos Movimentos De Moradia Sobre Os Programas Habitacionais Autogestionários
(Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2016)
Capacidade deliberativa e articula????o pol??tica dos conselhos gestores: um estudo sobre o Conselho Estadual das cidades da Bahia
(Faculdade de Filosofia e Ci??ncias HumanasPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Ci??ncias SociaisPPGCS-FFCHbrasil, 2016-04-06)
Self-generated Neighbourhoods: the role of urban form in the consolidation of informal settlements
Rapid urbanisation in Santiago de Chile has led to a large number of informal settlements on the periphery of the city which from an initial common origin, now exhibit very different degrees of social and physical ...