Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 208
Importância dos arranjos horizontais e competitividade para produtores de leite no Paraná
(Universidade Estadual de MaringáBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em ZootecniaUEMMaringá, PRCentro de Ciências Agrárias, 2018)
The role of brand image and product characteristics on firms' entry and OEM decisions
(Informs, 2016-11)
We investigate the optimal market entry and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) decisions of a firm facing a market in which firms' brands can be horizontally differentiated and products can be vertically differentiated. ...
Outros canteiros: possibilidades e limites da produção de moradias por autogestão de Belo Horizonte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilARQ - ESCOLA DE ARQUITETURAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e UrbanismoUFMG, 2022-10-07)
This thesis deals with the production of autogestion housing in Belo Horizonte (BH) in two moments: the first generation marked by the insurgency of the 'sem-casa' movement in the city and the construction of a municipal ...
O arranjo produtivo local de biotecnologia de Belo Horizonte - Minas GeraisThe local biotechnology productive arrangement of Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Economia, 2019)
Arranjos produtivos locais de agricultura temporária no estado do Pará: uma aplicação do modelo de análise de componentes principaisLocal productive arrangements of temporary agriculture in the state of Pará: an application of the principal component analysis modelArreglos productivos locales de agricultura temporal en el estado del Pará: una aplicación del modelo de análisis de componentes principales
(Universidade Federal do ParáBrasilUFPA, 2023)
Governança da cadeia produtiva da ovinocultura no Rio Grande do Sul: estudo de caso à luz dos custos de transação e produção
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRAgronomiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Extensão Rural, 2008-01-17)
Sheep production in Rio Grande do Sul has been through a rearrangement period after the crisis faced at the beginning of the 1990s. The recent increase of demand for quality sheep meat has generated a farmers organization ...
A Rádio Inconfidência nos tempos do auditório: considerações sobre os gêneros musicais no acervo de partituras
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2014-09-01)
By the advent of the Radio in Brazil it generated a great deal of changes in cultural values in the Brazilian society in the 1920s. As it became an important tool for communication and social integration, daily habits were ...
Recognition of Sulfides Zones in Marble Mine Through Comparative Analysis of Electrical Tomography Arrangements
This paper involves the use of Induced Polarization method combined with the geological reconnaissance of sulfite rich zones from the comparative analysis of the Dipole–dipole, Schlumberger and Wenner tomographic arrays. ...
Mobilidade populacional na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte: o caso dos municípios do Eixo da Linha Verde - 1991/2000
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2008-09-01)
The allocation of the population on the space of the metropolitan section of Belo Horizonte RMBH comes from a group of factors, from social nature and economic, having as the main elements the State, which contributes for ...
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-05-12)
This research aimed to overcome the theoretical dissociation between the commons and the urban. In general, the commons refers to goods, spaces and resources that are shared, used and managed collectively through practices ...