Dissertação de Mestrado
Mobilidade populacional na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte: o caso dos municípios do Eixo da Linha Verde - 1991/2000
Lessio Lourenco Nunes
The allocation of the population on the space of the metropolitan section of Belo Horizonte RMBH comes from a group of factors, from social nature and economic, having as the main elements the State, which contributes for the arranging of the occupation on the land, the land market, which acts with the goal of giving the highest value to their properties and also the property market, which acts offering real state financing, building and selling, control of the use and access to urban areas, and, also, at the socioeconomic structure of the population, which determines to adopt the strategies of survival fitted to its reality at the urban context.The population pressure and from the productive activity by urban lands turn the urban contemporaneous space a complex point, with high population mobility and interaction between the metropolitan center and the cities which stay near it, as well as promotes a spatial and social segregation of the population, making that areas geographically adjacent have socioeconomic structures very different.In this context, it is inserted the Green Lines Axle, in the Metropolitan Section of Belo Horizonte, a place with a historic of an important population mobility, which can rise because of the structural changes investment in infrastructure concentrated in the ways of land and air transport, economic and politic by which pass the region recently.