Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 74
Efecto de la taurina sobre la estructura de la corteza cerebelosa en ratas en desarrollo expuestas a hiperoxia.
Influencia de una hiperoxia moderada sobre el consumo de oxígeno durante el ejercicio muscular en nativos de la altura
(Instituto Boliviano de Biología de Altura, 1973)
SUMMARY. The authros performed this study to find out why during intense exercise, equal to or approximatly equal to maximal exercise the oxygen consumption is lower at high altitude than that at sea level Hurtado 1064; ...
Los efectos de hipoxia e hiperoxia de corta duración sobre la circulación pulmonar de nativos de grandes alturas (HL) y del nivel del mar (LL) residentes a 3.600 Mts.
(Instituto Boliviano de Biología de Altura, 1979)
Hemos realizado inhalaciones cortas de O2 y N2 con el fin de analizar el mecanismo responsable para la hipertensión arterial pulmonar que se observa en grandes alturas en los residentes normales y los recién ...
Effects of hypoxia and hyperoxia of short duration on the pulmonary circulation of highlanders (HL) and lowlanders (LL) living at 3,750 m
(Progress in Respiration Research, 1975)
We have done brief O₂ and N₂ inhalations in order to analyze the mechanism
responsible for the pulmonary artery hypertension observed at high altitude in
normal residents and newcomers. The reactivity of the ...
Effects of hypoxia and hyperoxia of short duration on the pulmonary circulation of highlanders (HL) and lowlanders (LL) living at 3,750 m
(Progress in Respiration Research, 1975)
We have done brief O₂ and N₂ inhalations in order to analyze the mechanism
responsible for the pulmonary artery hypertension observed at high altitude in
normal residents and newcomers. The reactivity of the ...
Satureja brevicalyx ‘wayra muna’ leaves hydroalcoholic extract neuroprotection in a hyperoxia and ischemia-hypoxia animal modelNeuroprotección del extracto hidroalcohólico de las hojas de Satureja brevicalyx ‘wayra muña’ en un modelo animal de hiperoxia e hipoxia-isquemia
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2012)
Hiperoxia por dos horas produce daño morfológico cerebral luego de asfixia neonatal experimental
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2012)
Efeitos agudos da ventilação mecânica com hiperoxia na morfometria do diafragma de ratos
(Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia, 2009-12-01)
BACKGROUND: Prolonged mechanical ventilatory support (MVS) combined with high oxygen concentrations has a negative impact on diaphragm function. However, the acute effects of MVS with hyperoxia have not been elucidated. ...