Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Diario : 1880, mayo
([s. n. ], 1880-05-04)
Diario : 1876, marzo
([s. n. ], 1876-03-06)
Diario : 1876, septiembre
([s. n. ], 1876-09-01)
Diario : 1879, marzo
([s. n. ], 1879-03-03)
Orden de predicadores, 800 años: Tomo IV. La vida conventual y misionera, siglos XIII-XIX
(Universidad Santo TomásProducción Editorial, 2018)
At first glance one might think that a work like the present, dedicated to the conventual and missionary life of the Order of Preachers, should not arouse much interest in a public of contemporary readers, supposedly ...
Identificación de indicadores de calidad de la atención para fisioterapia: una revisión sistemática
Introduction: Despite the emerging role of indicators for the evaluation of quality of care in physical therapy, these have been developed mainly for other health areas and only some are relevant and applicable to physical ...