Generación de Nuevo Conocimiento: Libros publicados
Orden de predicadores, 800 años: Tomo IV. La vida conventual y misionera, siglos XIII-XIX
2018Registration in:
López, J. (2018). Orden de predicadores, 800 años: Tomo IV. la vida conventual y misionera, siglos XIII-XIX. Bogotá: Ediciones USTA.
Ballén Rodríguez, Juan Sebastián
Benavides Silva, Fabián Leonardo
Brizuela Molina, Sofía Norma
Escobar Herrera, Andrés Mauricio
Fonseca Ramírez, Cristina del Carmen
Foralosso, Mariano
Fraschina, Alicia
Gómez Bello, Eduardo Alberto
González de Díaz, Martha
López López, Juan Sebastián
López Salamanca, Juan Ubaldo
Magaña Mancillas, Mario Alberto
Miranda Corzo, Juan Guillermo
Miura Andrades, José María
Muñoz Correa, Juan Guillermo
Palomares, Jesús María
Pérez Blázquez, David
Pérez González, Silvia María
Quiroga, Gabriela de las Mercedes
Ramírez Barreto, Édgar Arturo
Rivero, Manuel
Romero Tovar, Sigifredo
Scocchera, Vanina
Torres Torres, O.P. Eugenio Martín
Yate Rodríguez, Francisco Javier
At first glance one might think that a work like the present, dedicated to the conventual and missionary life of the Order of Preachers, should not arouse much interest in a public of contemporary readers, supposedly interested in more secular matters. However, the truth is that the study of these issues is essential to understand, among other issues, in what ways the Dominican community - among many others - has been shaping some forms of organization and sociability that, without a doubt, have exceeded the limits of their houses and convents and greatly influenced our societies. It would be worth thinking, for example, to what extent our current notions of home management or our business decision-making mechanisms draw on traditions and forms of organization directly related to community religious life.
Certainly, little has been studied in this regard, so the present volume seems like a magnificent reference to begin to address these issues. By taking up both the internal dynamics of the Dominican communities (convent life) and their dialogical vocation with other worlds, societies and communities (missionary life), the book invites the reader to ask what of all that is reconstructed, reviewed and described can shed light on our current ways of life.