Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 64
Hair cortisol: A new tool for evaluating stress in programs of stress management
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015-11)
Aims: Longitudinal and experimental studies have shown that chronic stress contributes to the onset and progression of different diseases. Although it is not possible to eliminate stress completely, people can learn to ...
Cortisol levels in the hair of prehispanic populations of San Pedro de Atacama, Northern Chile Niveles de cortisol en cabellos de poblaciones prehispánicas de San Pedro de Atacama, Norte de Chile
(Universidad de Tarapaca, 2015)
Systemic stress in prehispanic populations of San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) during the Middle and Late Intermediate periods was explored through cortisol analysis of hair samples of mummies from these periods. The cortisol ...
Hair Cortisol Measurement by an Automated Method
(Nature Publishing Group, 2019-06)
We present the development of the first procedure for hair cortisol measurement through an automated method. Hair samples were obtained from 286 individuals. After cortisol extraction, samples were measured in a Siemens ...
The relationship between cortisol, stress and psychiatric illness: New insights using hair analysis
(Elsevier, 2015)
Background: Stress is an established important contributor to the development of mental illness and stress related disorders. The biology implicated in the homeostasis of pathological stress mechanisms is not fully ...
An evaluation of distal hair cortisol concentrations collected at delivery
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2018-04-04)
Distal hair segments collected at delivery may allow for the assessment of maternal cortisol secretion in early pregnancy, an important time window for fetal development. Therefore, an investigation of the validity of ...
Chronic HPA activity in mothers with preterm delivery: A pilot nested case-control study
(IOS Press, 2020)
BACKGROUND: Chronic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity role in the pathogenesis of preterm birth (PTB) remains unclear due to inconsistent measures with limited ability to monitor long-term cortisol ...
Implementación de un método alternativo no invasivo para el diagnóstico hiperadrenocorticismo canino mediante la cuantificación de cortisol en el pelo
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica., 2019-03-06)
El hiperadrenocorticismo canino es una condición patológica asociada con la
exposición crónica a concentraciones excesivas de glucocorticoides, en este caso cortisol. El
diagnóstico de esta condición requiere determinar ...
Niveles de cortisol en cabellos de poblaciones prehispánicas de San Pedro de Atacama, norte de Chile
(Universidad de Tarapacá, 2015)
Systemic stress in prehispanic populations of San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) during the Middle and Late Intermediate periods was explored through cortisol analysis of hair samples of mummies from these periods. The cortisol ...
Cortisol dysregulation in obesity-related metabolic disorders
Purpose of reviewThe present review highlights recent investigations in the prior 18 months focusing on the role of dysregulated cortisol physiology in obesity as a potential modifiable mechanism in the pathogenesis of ...
Mayores concentraciones de cortisol, biomarcador de estrés, en residentes de comunas con menor índice de calidad de vida urbana
(Universidad de Chile. Escuela de Salud Pública, 2020)
Introducción: Las desigualdades socioeconómicas y territoriales se relacionan con la salud de
la población santiaguina; sin embargo, los mecanismos causales que generan las inequidades
en salud no están del todo claros. ...