Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1202
Hegel: Habit, Custom, and GovernmentHegel: Habit, Custom, and Government
(Conceptos Históricos, 2020)
Economic institutions: explanations for conformity and room for deviation
(Cambridge Univ PressCambridgeInglaterra, 2013)
La satisfacción del cliente de fast-food. Explorando impulsores en personas con malos hábitos alimenticios usando el modelo ACSI
(LACCEIAR, 2023-07)
The fast-food industry faces constant criticism for
encouraging bad eating habits, especially in the young population.
In this market, customer satisfaction represents a key determinant
for decision making. Despite the ...
Procesos de participación de los y las habitantes del barrio Rincón de San José en la conservación del Río Tunjuelito
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 1 de)
Planejamento e diversidade: as mazelas da medicina social no ‘país da cordialidade’Planning and diversity: social medicine problems in the “cordiality´s country”
(Pontífica Universidade Católica do Paraná, 2020)
Factors associated with consumption of fruits and vegetables among Community Kitchens customers in Lima, Peru
(Elsevier, 2016)
Community Kitchens (CKs) are one of the main food providers to low-income families in Peru and may encourage healthier diets. We aimed to determine the prevalence of fruit and vegetable consumption and associated ...