Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4934
Habitat quality, not habitat amount, drives mammalian habitat use in the Brazilian Pantanal
Context: An understanding of species-habitat relationships is required to assess the impacts of habitat fragmentation and degradation. To date, habitat modeling in fragmented landscapes has relied on landscape composition ...
Mammal ecology in fragmented landscapes: beyond the effects of habitat amount
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2020-09-03)
A conversão de áreas naturais para uso antropogênico da terra causa perda, fragmentação e degradação de habitat, as quais são as principais ameaças para a conservação de mamíferos terrestres em todo o mundo. Nesta tese ...
Modeling of potential habitat suitability of Hippocamelus bisulcus: effectiveness of a protected areas network in Southern Patagonia
(Springer, 2017)
Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus Molina) is the most threatened flag species of Southern Patagonia, where conservation efforts were not effective to avoid the retraction of its distribution area. Habitat quality ...
Short-term response of fish assemblages to instream habitat restoration in heavily impacted streams
Habitat homogenization has been a major impact in stream ecosystems, and it is considered one of the main drivers of biotic homogenization as well, leading to the loss of water quality and fish diversity. In this study, ...
Parasitism of a leafminer pest in managed and natural habitats
(Elsevier Science, 2005-09)
Parasitic assemblages of Liriomyza huidobrensis were analysed in relation to natural, urban and cultivated habitats through experimental and comparative methodologies. The field experiment consisted in placing potted plants ...
Gestión del hábitat en territorios comunitarios: una revisión
(Publicaciones Universidad de América, 2019-10-16)
El artículo presenta un panorama del hábitat en territorios comunitarios en el marco del desarrollo urbano sostenible, una meta que actualmente se ve obstaculizada por diversas limitantes, especialmente en países de economías ...