Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 62
(Univ HoustonHoustonEUA, 2011)
Homogeneous geodesics in pseudo-Riemannian nilmanifolds
(De Gruyter, 2016-04)
We study the geodesic orbit property for nilpotent Lie groups N when endowed with a pseudo-Riemannian left-invariant metric. We consider this property with respect to different groups acting by isometries. When N acts on ...
Equigeodesics on Generalized Flag Manifolds with Two Isotropy Summands
(Birkhauser Verlag AgBaselSuíça, 2011)
Geodesic completeness for type A surfaces
(Elsevier Science, 2017-10)
Type A surfaces are the locally homogeneous affine surfaces which can be locally described by constant Christoffel symbols. We address the issue of the geodesic completeness of these surfaces: we show that some models for ...
Lorentzian compact manifolds: Isometries and geodesics
(Elsevier Science, 2014-04)
In this work we investigate families of compact Lorentzian manifolds in dimension four. We show that every lightlike geodesic on such spaces is periodic, while there are closed and non-closed spacelike and timelike geodesics. ...
Geodesic deviation equation in locally de Sitter spacetimes
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-08-01)
Como é bem conhecido, a relatividade especial de Einstein, cuja cinemática é governada pelo grupo de Poincaré, deixa de valer na escala de Planck devido à existência de uma escala de comprimento invariante, dada pelo ...
Weak Riemannian manifolds from finite index subfactors
(Springer, 2008-10)
Let N ⊂ M be a finite Jones' index inclusion of II1 factors and denote by UN ⊂ UM their unitary groups. In this article, we study the homogeneous space UM/UN, which is a (infinite dimensional) differentiable manifold, ...
Larotonda spaces: Homogeneous spaces and conditional expectations
(World Scientific, 2016-02)
We define a Larotonda space as a quotient space P = UA/UB of the unitary groups of C ∗ -algebras 1 ∈ B ⊂ A with a faithful unital conditional expectation Φ : A → B. In particular, B is complemented in A, a fact which implies ...