Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 136
Case reports in maxillary posterior teeth by guided endodontic access
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAO - DEPARTAMENTO DE ODONTOLOGIA RESTAURADORAUFMG, 2019-02)
Guided endodontic access of calcified anterior teeth
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAO - DEPARTAMENTO DE ODONTOLOGIA RESTAURADORAUFMG, 2018-07)
Adaptable fiberglass post after 3d guided endodontic treatment: novel approaches in restorative dentistry
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAO - DEPARTAMENTO DE ODONTOLOGIA RESTAURADORAUFMG, 2020-05-06)
Guided endodontics in complex scenarios of calcified molars
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAO - DEPARTAMENTO DE ODONTOLOGIA RESTAURADORAUFMG, 2020)
Guided endodontics as an alternative for the management of teeth with calcified root canals: an integrative review of the literature
Introduction: The management of calcified canals is a challenge during endodontic treatment, which is why clinical
alternatives have been sought to improve their approach. One of them, recently introduced, is the use of ...
Revisión bibliográfica: confección de una guía para microcirugia endodóntica
(Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, 2022)
Introducción: La microcirugía endodóntica es un procedimiento predecible para tratar la periodontitis apical, este procedimiento está indicado cuando el acceso ortógrado a la porción apical del sistema de conductos radiculares ...
Endodontia guiada: um avanço no acesso endodôntico de canais calcificados
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Campus Avançado de Governador ValadaresBrasilICV - Instituto de Ciências da VidaUFJF/GV, 2021)
Endodontia guiada: um avanço no acesso endodôntico de canais calcificadosGuided endodontics: an advance without endodontic access of calcified canals
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Campus Avançado de Governador ValadaresBrasilICV - Instituto de Ciências da VidaUFJF/GV, 2021)
Descripción de la cirugía endodóntica guiada con navegación estática
(Universidad Santo TomásEspecialización EndodonciaFacultad de Odontología, 2022-06-03)
Background: Static navigation assisted guided surgery is a minimally invasive technique that directs the operator to obtain a more precise insertion pathway and achieve faster wound healing, with a significantly higher ...
O endoguide - endodontia guiada: indicações e aplicabilidades clínicas.
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilFaculdade de OdontologiaUFJF, 2021)