Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8014
Associations between teacher self-efficacy and teaching choice by graduate students in EngineeringAssociações entre autoeficácia docente e escolha pela docência por pós-graduandos em Engenharia
This study aimed to identify factors that influence the choice of graduate students in Engineering for teaching in higher education, teaching self-efficacy and to relate these variables. 340 postgraduate students from 33 ...
Analysis of the dimensions of the profile of law doctorate graduates from Peruvian Universities
(IBIMA PublishingPE, 2021-09-21)
This research analyzes the dimensions of the profile of law doctorate graduates from Peruvian universities that have been licensed by the National Superintendence of Higher Education (Sunedu). A qualitative analysis has ...
Petri nets teaching in the Mechatronics Engineering course
The current solutions implanted in the majority of manufacturing systems controlled by PLCs were developed through the language of programming known as ladder. Such a language, easily learned and handled, shows to be ...
Petri nets teaching in the Mechatronics Engineering course
The current solutions implanted in the majority of manufacturing systems controlled by PLCs were developed through the language of programming known as ladder. Such a language, easily learned and handled, shows to be ...
Graduates' Degree of Satisfaction with the MA Program in Teaching English as Foreign Language at the University of Costa RicaGraduates' Degree of Satisfaction with the MA Program in Teaching English as Foreign Language at the University of Costa Rica
(Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
A evolução da pós-graduação em química no Brasil
The progress of post-graduate chemistry training in Brazil: The post-graduate teaching of chemistry in Brazil over the last years is discussed, including comparisons with some other sciences and also experiences in the ...
Helping Caribbean graduate students to become qualitative researchers: Searching for an appropriate pedagogy [PowerPoint presentation]
Learning to do qualitative research requires becoming comfortable with thinking and producing academic work inductively in an iterative, non-positivistic way. This is often difficult for students accustomed to learning and ...
Hay que aumentar la graduación anual de nuevos docentes
(Universidad de Belgrano - Centro de Estudios de la Educación Argentina (CEA), Jun-2017)
La graduación de nuevos docentes no está aumentando al ritmo requerido por la prevista expansión en los próximos años de la escolarización obligatoria.