Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1039
On Some Families Of Modules For The Current Algebra
(SpringerDordrecht, 2017)
Change of grading, injective dimension and dualizing complexes
(Taylor & Francis, 2018-10)
Let G,H be groups, φ:G→H a group morphism, and A a G-graded algebra. The morphism φ induces an H-grading on A, and on any G-graded A-module, which thus becomes an H-graded A-module. Given an injective G-graded A-module, ...
On Multigraded Generalizations of Kirillov-Reshetikhin Modules
(SpringerDordrechtHolanda, 2014)
Equivalence classes of exact module categories over graded tensor categories
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-10-04)
We describe equivalence classes of indecomposable exact module categories over a finite graded tensor category. When applied to a pointed fusion category, our results coincide with the ones obtained in [11].
Image quality evaluation of chest for computed radiography
The daily-to-day of medical practice is marked by a constant search for an accurate diagnosis and therapeutic assessment. For this purpose the doctor serves up a wide variety of imaging techniques, however, the methods ...
Generating degrees for graded projective resolutions
(World Scientific, 2018-10)
We provide a framework connecting several well-known theories related to the linearity of graded modules over graded algebras. In the first part, we pay a particular attention to the tensor products of graded bimodules ...
On modules over matrix quantum pseudo-differential operators
(Springer, 2002-04)
We classify all the quasifinite highest-weight modules over the central extension of the Lie algebra of matrix quantum pseudo-differential operators, and obtain them in terms of representation theory of the Lie algebra ...
Unitary quasifinite representations of W_{\infty}
(Springer, 2000-01)
We classify the unitary quasi-finite highest-weight modules over the Lie algebra W and realize them in terms of unitary highest-weight representations of the Lie algebra of infinite matrices with finitely many nonzero diagonals.