An English module for eight grade students at Unti hight school
Méndez Arteaga, Norma
Paladines Guamán, Ana
Designing an appropriate English module for eight grade students at UNTI high school was a priority for us. This module contains different topics according to the needs and the socio-cultural environment of our students, so that it is based on the Constructivist theory and Communicative Approach. It is divided into four units. The first one refers to basic classroom vocabulary: greetings, commands, the alphabet, numbers, dates, colours and classroom objects. In the second unit the students have personal pronouns, plural of nouns, and articles. The third one deals with the verb To Be, prepositions of place, and There is and There are. Concluding with unit four which encompasses the present continuous tense. Finally, we want our students and colleagues to use this English module because we are convinced that they will find the teaching and learning process much more rewarding and fun Cuenca