Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 409
The role of glucose homeostasis on immune function in response to exercise: The impact of low or higher energetic conditions
Immune cells are bioenergetically expensive during activation, which requires tightly regulated control of metabolic pathways. Both low and high glycemic conditions can modulate immune function. States of undernourishment ...
Hypoglycemia and glycemic variability of people with type 1 diabetes with lower and higher physical activity loads in free-living conditions using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion with predictive low-glucose suspend system
Introduction: Maintaining glycemic control during and after physical activity (PA) is a major challenge in type 1 diabetes (T1D). This study compared the glycemic variability and exercise-related diabetic management ...
Hypoglycemia and glycemic variability of people with type 1 diabetes with lower and higher physical activity loads in free-living conditions using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion with predictive low-glucose suspend system
Introduction Maintaining glycemic control during and after physical activity (PA) is a major challenge in type 1 diabetes (T1D). This study compared the glycemic variability and exercise-related diabetic management strategies ...
Variability of glycemic and insulin response to a standard meal, within and between healthy subjects Variabilidad de las respuestas glucémica y de insulina, intra e intersujeto, a una comida estándar en individuos sanos
Aim: To test the variability within and between subject of glycemic response test following the ingestion of a standard food. Material and methods: Glucose and insulin response of a standard meal (white bread) was performed ...
The consumption of low glycemic meals reduces abdominal obesity in subjects with excess body weight
(Nutrición Hospitalaria, 2017)
Lifestyle of patients with diabetes mellitus type 1: a systematic review
(Abrasco, 2016-04-01)
The aim of this review was to verify data concerning the relationship between the existent lifestyle and glycemic control in patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (DM1). The methods applied included the literature search ...