Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 69
Effect of glutenin subunits on the baking quality of Brazilian wheat genotypes
(Inst Agronomico, 2017-01-01)
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the high and low molecular weight glutenin subunits on the grain traits of sixteen Brazilian wheat genotypes. Grain hardness index, milling traits, physicochemical and rheological ...
Effect of allelic variation and expression quantity at Glu-1 Loci on size distribution of Glutenin Polymer in common wheat
(Institute of Crop Sciences, 2013)
Efecto de diferentes subunidades de Gluteninas-APM sobre la calidad panadera en trigos harineros MexicanosEffect of different HMW-Glutenin subunits on baking quality of Mexican bread wheats
(Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenéticahttp://www.revistafitotecniamexicana.org/documentos/29-4/3a.pdf, 2013)
Allelic Variation at Glutenin Loci (Glu-1, Glu-2 and Glu-3) in a Worldwide Durum Wheat Collection and Its Effect on Quality Attributes
(MDPI, 2021-11)
Durum wheat grains (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) are the main source for the production of pasta, bread and a variety of products consumed worldwide. The quality of pasta is mainly defined by the rheological properties ...
Variability in glutenin subunit composition of Mediterranean durum wheat germplasm and its relationship with gluten strength
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Genetic potential of winter wheat grain quality in Central Asia
(Look Academic Publisher, 2018)
Genetic variation for grain protein components and industrial quality of durum wheat cultivars sown in Argentina
(Elsevier, 2004-09)
Eleven cultivars of durum wheat from Argentina and Chile were analysed for their endosperm storage protein allelic composition and for industrial quality characteristics. For the HMW glutenin subunits, all cultivars carried ...
Effect of HMW and LMW Glutenin subunits on processing quality in common wheat
(Institute of Crop Sciences, 2013)