Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 72
Aislamiento y evaluación de riesgos de Geotrichum spp. en el camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) en estanques de cultivoIsolation and risk assessment of Geotrichum spp. in the white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) from culture ponds
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2015)
Isolation and risk assessment of Geotrichum spp. in the white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) from culture ponds
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017)
Biocontrol ability and putative mode of action of yeasts against Geotrichum citri-aurantii in citrus fruit
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-01-01)
Sour rot is a major postharvest disease of citrus fruit and is caused by the fungal pathogen Geotrichum citri-aurantii. A lack of chemicals certified for the control of this disease has led to the consideration of alternative ...
Microbiota fúngica de passeriformes de cativeiros da Região Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo
Birds are hosts for a rich fungal microbiota which can act as potent pathogens for humans and other species of animals, causing thereby serious public health problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ...
Effect of indigenous mycobiota on ochratoxin A production by Aspergillus carbonarius isolated from soil
(Springer, 2013-10)
This study determined the biotic interaction between 30 non-toxigenic indigenous strains of Aspergillus niger aggregate, Aspergillus flavus, Trichoderma spp., Mucor spp., Cladosporium spp., Ulocladium spp., Curvularia spp., ...
Evaluación de bicarbonato de potasio para el manejo preventivo de podredumbres en duraznero (Prunus persica)
(Asociación Argentina de Fitopatólogos, 2021)
Los patógenos de postcosecha como Rhizopus spp. (RHIZ) y Monilinia fructicola (MON), afectan la calidad de los duraznos. Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de tratamientos preventivos con bicarbonato de potasio VitiSan ...
Process analysis of variables for standardization of antifungal susceptibility testing of nonfermentative yeasts
(American Society for MicrobiologyGrupo de Investigacion Dermatologica (GRID)Estados Unidos, 2019)