Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 117
Calibrated geodesic foliations of hyperbolic space
(American Mathematical Society, 2016-01)
Let H be the hyperbolic space of dimension n + 1. A geodesic foliation of H is given by a smooth unit vector field on L all of whose integral curves are geodesics. Each geodesic foliation of L determines an n-dimensional ...
(Univ HoustonHoustonEUA, 2011)
A version of the Hermite--Hadamard inequality in a nonpositve curvature space
(Banach Mathematical Research Group, 2012-06)
We obtain some Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for convex functions in a global non-positive curvature space.
The magnetic flow on the manifold of oriented geodesics of a three dimensional space form
(Osaka University. Departments of Mathematics, 2013-09)
Let M be the three dimensional complete simply connected manifold of constant sectional curvature 0,10,1 or −1−1. Let L be the manifold of all (unparametrized) complete oriented geodesics of M, endowed with its canonical ...
Geodesics of projections in von neumann algebras
(American Mathematical Society, 2021-07)
Let A be a von Neumann algebra and PA the manifold of projections in A. There is a natural linear connection in PA, which in the finite dimensional case coincides with the the Levi-Civita connection of the Grassmann manifold ...
Circular geodesics stability in a static black hole in new massive gravity
(Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2020-02)
We study the existence and stability of circular geodesics in a family of asymptotically AdS static black holes in New Massive Gravity theory. We show that the mathematical sign of the hair parameter determines the existence ...
Genericity of Nondegenerate Critical Points and Morse Geodesic Functionals
We consider a family of variational problems on a Hilbert manifold parameterized by an open subset of a Banach manifold, and we discuss the genericity of the nondegeneracy condition for the critical points. Using classical ...
Short geodesics of unitaries in the L2 metric
(Canadian Mathematical Soc, 2005-09)
Let M be a type II_1 von Neumann algebra, τ a trace in M, and l^2 (M,τ) the GNS Hilbert space of τ. We regard the unitary group U_M as a subset of l^2 (M,τ), and characterize the shortest smooth curves of unitaries joining ...
Equigeodesics on Generalized Flag Manifolds with Two Isotropy Summands
(Birkhauser Verlag AgBaselSuíça, 2011)
Stability of the conjugate index, degenerate conjugate points and the Maslov index in semi-Riemannian geometry
(Pacific Journal MathematicsBerkeleyEUA, 2002)