Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 490
A study of three variable analogues of certain fractional integral operators
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2017)
Generalized riemann-liouville fractional operators associated with a generalization of the prabhakar integral operator
(Natural Sciences, 2016)
The paper introduces a new integral operator which generalizes the Prabhakar integral operator. The boundedness on the
space of continuous functions and on the space of Lebesgue integrable functions on an interval is ...
Generalized Riemann-Liouville Fractional Operators Associated with a Generalization of the Prabhakar Integral Operator
(Natural Sciences Publishing, 2016-04)
The paper introduces a new integral operator which generalizes the Prabhakar integral operator. The boundedness on the space of continuous functions and on the space of Lebesgue integrable functions on an interval is ...
The Mittag–Leffler function and its application to the ultra-hyperbolic time-fractional diffusion-wave equation
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016-05)
In this paper we study an n-dimensional generalization of time-fractional diffusion-wave equation, where the Laplacian operator is replaced by the ultra-hyperbolic operator and the time-fractional derivative is taken in ...
The mittag leffler function and its application to the ultra hyperbolic time fractional diffusion wave equation
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2016-03)
In this paper we study an n-dimensional generalization of timefractional diffusion-wave equation, where the Laplacian operator is replaced by the ultra-hyperbolic operator and the time-fractional derivative is taken in the ...
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Departamento de Matemáticas, 2009)
On the composition of the integral and derivative operators of functional order
(Universitatis Carolinae, 2003-03)
In this work we show that the composition of the integral and derivative operators of order phi, T_phi = D_phi◦I_phi, is a singular integral operator.This result in addition with the results obtained in [HV2] of boundedness ...
A generalization of the kinetic equation using the prabhakar-type operators
(Honam Mathematical Society, 2017)
Fractional kinetic equations are investigated in order to
describe the various phenomena governed by anomalous reaction in
dynamical systems with chaotic motion. Many authors have pro-
vided solutions of various families ...
Analysis of dengue fever outbreak by generalized fractional derivative
In this paper, we use the generalized fractional derivative in order to study the fractional differential equation associated with a fractional Gaussian model. Moreover, we propose new properties of generalized differential ...
Weighted inequalities for fractional integral operators with kernel satisfying Hörmander type conditions
(Element, 2011-10)
In this paper we study inequalities with weights for fractional operators Tαgiven by convolution with a kernel Kαwhich is supposed to satisfy some size condition and a fractional Hörmander type condition. As it is done for ...