Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 279
Development, environmental degradation, and disease spread in the Brazilian Amazon
(Public Library of Science, 2019)
The Amazon is Brazil's greatest natural resource and invaluable to the rest of the world as a buffer against climate change. The recent election of Brazil's president brought disputes over development plans for the region ...
Local Benefits Of The Atlantic Forest: Evidences From Rural Communities In Southern Brazil
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2016)
The revision of the Brazilian Forest Act: increased deforestation or a historic step towards balancing agricultural development and nature conservation?
Almost two-thirds of the Brazilian territory still has prevalence of natural vegetation. Although not all pristine, much of these areas have high conservation value. 170 million hectare (Mha) of the natural vegetation is ...
Investigation of exposure to occupational noise among forestry machine operators: A case study in Brazil
In mechanized harvesting of wood operations, in a cut-to-length system, occupational noise is emitted by self-propelled forest machines, which compromises the safety and health of operators. Therefore, the occupational ...
Environmental suitability of a highly fragmented and heterogeneous landscape for forest bird species in south-eastern Brazil
Assessment of the suitability of anthropogenic landscapes for wildlife species is crucial for setting priorities for biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to analyse the environmental suitability of a highly fragmented ...
Projeto de lei municipal de incentivo ao plantio de florestas comerciais
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáDois VizinhosBrasilEngenharia FlorestalUTFPR, 2014-02-06)
In the 60s, the Brazilian government created tax incentives for forest plantation. The Law No. 5,106 / 66 had, at the time, which could be deducted from income tax the Brazilian who owned area with planted forests. With ...
Produced Natures Through The Lens Of Biodiversity Conservation And Tourism: The Ponta Negra Caic, Ara In The Atlantic Forest Coast Of Brazil
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdon, 2016)
Ethos camponês e espaço rural periférico: (des) encaixes frente à legislação florestal brasileiraPeasant ethos and peripheral rural areas: (un) fittings on brazilian forest legislation
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRInstituições sociais e desenvolvimento; Cultura, processos sociais e conhecimentoMestrado em Extensão RuralUFV, 2015)
Landholders’ perceptions on legal reserves and agricultural intensification: Diversity and implications for forest conservation in the eastern Brazilian Amazon
(Elsevier, 2021)
Forest conservation on privately owned lands is a cornerstone of the Brazilian environmental policy framework. Brazilian legislation requires that all farms in the country maintain and protect forest areas known as Legal ...