Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 883
On the Use of Type Predicates in Object-Oriented Software: The Case of Smalltalk
(ACM, 2015)
Object-orientation relies on polymorphism to express behavioral variants. As opposed to traditional procedural design, explicit type-based conditionals should be avoided. This message is conveyed in introductory material ...
Sensor duplo para perfilamento de velocidade em misturas bifásicas
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática IndustrialUTFPR, 2019-10-10)
The importance of multiphase flow measurement in many industries today is widely known. In the oil industry in particular, this type of flow is found within wells, flow lines and risers from the oil reservoir to the platform. ...
Model of optimization of mining complex for the planning of flow of quarry production of limestone in multiple products and with elements for the analysis of the capacity
(Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019)
Active control of a backward facing step flow with plasma actuators
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014-12)
Active control over a backward facing step flow is studied experimentally by means of plasma based devices. The Reynolds number based on the step height h is 1520. An electrohydrodynamic actuator (EHD), dielectric barrier ...
Avaliação do tempo de consolidação de argamassas colantes através de métodos reológicos
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREngenharia CivilUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, 2015-08-21)
The consolidation time is the time available for the application of adhesive mortar on the substrate. The NBR 14081-1 does not specify a method of test to determining the consolidation time, however, the standard of ...
Sudden stops of capital flows: the role of outflows as a mechanism to offset sudden stops of inflows
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2016)
We study the determinants of sudden stops in capital flows to
emerging markets. Using gross international asset and liability flows
(from the point of view of domestic residents), we identify three types
of situations: ...
The effect of adhesive and flowable composite on postoperative sensitivity: 2-Week results
Objective: To measure 2-week postoperative sensitivity in Class II composite restorations placed with a self-etching adhesive (Clearfil SE Bond) or a total-etch adhesive (Prime&Bond NT) with or without a flowable composite ...
Numerical analysis of control surface effects on AUV
(Amsterdam, 2013)
Computational fluid dynamics, CFD, is becoming an essential tool in the prediction of the hydrodynamic efforts and flow characteristics of underwater vehicles for manoeuvring studies. However, when applied to the manoeuvrability ...
Security preserving program translations.
(Udelar. FI., 2018)
The analysis of information flow has become a popular technique for ensuring the confidentiality of data. It is in this context that confidentiality policies arise for giving guarantees that private data cannot be inferred ...
Restrição financeira nas empresas brasileiras: um estudo comparativo entre companhias abertas e fechadas
Seguindo Almeida et al. (2004), esse estudo busca mensurar o efeito das restrições financeiras sobre a política de caixa das empresas brasileiras. O efeito da restrição financeira impacta na propensão das empresas para ...