Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23
Assimetria floral em Centrosema Rotundifolium e seu impacto no número de potenciais polinizadores
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNECOLOGIA, 2017-11-23)
Floral symmetry is considered an important feature that influences the choice of pollinators. In general, symmetrical flowers are thought to signal more or better resources for pollinators, while asymmetric flowers would ...
Cascaded Multilevel Converters: Optimal Asymmetries and Floating Capacitor Control
(IEEE, 2013)
Cascaded multilevel (CM) converter is a series connection of several inverters that together generate multiple voltage levels with controllable frequency, phase, and amplitude. Its main advantages are high power, reliability, ...
Predictive Control of asymmetric multilevel Converter with Floating Cells
This paper proposes a control scheme for a Hybrid
asymmetric multilevel converter with floating cells. This control
approach generates three-phase current with one main cell and
one floating cell per phase. Main cell, ...
Model Predictive Control Scheme for an Optimal Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter with Floating H-Bridge Cell
This paper presents a model predictive control
strategy for an optimal asymmetric multilevel inverter with
floating H-bridge cell. Nowadays, multilevel converters are
a very attractive alternative for the efficient ...
Predictive Control of an asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with a single DC Source
This paper proposes a control scheme for an asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter with a single DC source. This control approach permits a unique DC source generate three-phase current with one main cell and one floating ...
Assimetria Flutuante em Qualea grandiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae) em áreas remanescentes de cerrado sensu stricto com diferentes status edáficosFloating Asymmetry in Qualea grandiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae) in remnant areas of cerrado sensu stricto with different edaphic status
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilCiências Biológicas, 2021)
What Exactly is 'Bad News' in Foreign Exchange Markets?: Evidence from Latin American Markets
(Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2008)
Asymmetric monetary and exchange-rate policies in Latin American countries that use inflation targeting
In recent decades, Latin American countries have adopted more flexible exchange-rate regimes and set inflation targets. Several authors argue that some countries’ monetary and exchange-rate policies suffer from a procyclical ...