Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 68
Luna Park, Surf Avenue, By Night, Coney Island, N.Y.
(The American Art Publishing Co. New York City., 2009-03-17)
A festive painting of Coney Island at night, with automobiles and a tram travelling down the main street. Description on the back of the postcard: "Surf Avenue at night is illuminated with 1,000,000 electric lights and is ...
S.S Hannibal, Port of Spain, Trinidad
(Unknown, 2011-03-09)
The postcard shows S.S. Hannibal, built in January 1945, the first of the "Victory" ships to be built to transport materials to support United States military efforts across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans during World War ...
An exploratory study on how to improve the economy of American Samoa
Deep in the South Pacific region about 2,300 miles southwest of the Hawaiian islands1 lies a United States territory that many Americans have never heard of nor known anything about. However, some famous Americans such as ...
Optimización de parámetros de la máquina virtual de Java con algoritmo genético
(Universidad de Chile, 2021)
Optimizar las opciones de la Java Virtual Machine (JVM) o máquina virtual de Java para poder obtener el mejor desempeño posible de un programa para uso productivo es una tarea desafiante y que requiere una cantidad ...
Problems related to the nationality of a shipPROBLEMAS RELACIONADOS CON LA NACIONALIDAD DEL BUQUE
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2005)
Geography in English
(ZonaClic, 2011)
Geography in English
(ZonaClic, 2016)
Combining point counts and autonomous recording units improves avian survey efficacy across elevational gradients on two continents
(Wiley, 2021)
1. Accurate biodiversity and population monitoring is a requirement for effective
conservation decision making. Survey method bias is therefore a concern, particularly
when research programs face logistical and cost ...