Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5749
The fiscal crisis of states and the fiscal recovery regime: The federative déjà vuLa crisis fiscal de los estados brasileños y el régimen de recuperación fiscal: El déjà vu federativoA crise fiscal dos estados e o regime de recuperação fiscal: O déjà vu federativo
This article aims to discuss the fiscal crisis of the Brazilian states and the Fiscal Recovery Regime (FRR) enacted in 2017, whose adjustment measures are considered fundamental for the balance of state public accounts. ...
Instituciones Fiscales, hacia un monitoreo, supervisión y control efectivos. Las agencias fiscales independientes y el caso argentino
Las tendencias a los déficits fiscales recurrentes y crecimiento del endeudamiento han sido problemas que han captado la atención a lo largo de mucho tiempo. Desde distintas disciplinas se han planteado posibles soluciones.
En ...
Finanças públicas e federalismo fiscal: uma análise da efetividade fiscal dos municípios brasileiros
The Brazilian fiscal-federative structure presents some peculiarities that make it distinct, especially with regard to the competences related to local governments. The transfer model and the occurrence of the flypaper ...
The political economy of fiscal reform in Brazil: the rationale for the suboptimal equilibrium
(Inter-American Development Bank, 2009-03)
This project examines fiscal reforms in Brazil since the 90s, focusing on the varying reform outcomes in the area of taxation, budgeting, and fiscal federalism. While there has been an extensive reorganization of fiscal ...
Política Fiscal: qual motivo levou o governo a implementar o atual ajuste fiscal
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEconomia, 2015-12-09)
This work has the interest, from the orthodox and heterodox currents, apresit the concepts of
the forms of fiscal policy on the economy. From this exhibition, a question came up: what had
led the government to implement ...
Crise fiscal do estado do Rio de Janeiro: desequilíbrio financeiro, efetividade do plano de recuperação fiscal e tensões federativas
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilFaculdade Nacional de DireitoUFRJ, 2020)