Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2041
Chilean Graders’ Behaviors and Perceptions of a Foreign Language Reschooling Program Towards Verbal Feedback on PronunciationComportamiento y percepciones de estudiantado chileno de un programa de reescolarización hacia la retroalimentación oral en la pronunciación en inglés
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2020)
Chilean Graders’ Behaviors and Perceptions of a Foreign Language Reschooling Program Towards Verbal Feedback on PronunciationComportamiento y percepciones de estudiantado chileno de un programa de reescolarización hacia la retroalimentación oral en la pronunciación en inglés
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2020)
Chilean Graders’ Behaviors and Perceptions of a Foreign Language Reschooling Program Towards Verbal Feedback on Pronunciation
(Universidad Nacional. CIDE, 2019)
LUD: An Automatic Scoring and Feedback System for Programming Assignments
The increase in usage of online learning systems, has caused a renewed interest in using computers to provide more support to the student's learning experiences, allow instructors to focus on activities that require human ...
Designing feedback processes in the workplace-based learning of undergraduate health professions education: a scoping review
Background: Feedback processes are crucial for learning, guiding improvement, and enhancing performance. In workplace-based learning settings, diverse teaching and assessment activities are advocated to be designed and ...
Validation of a Spanish version of a 360° feedback tool for residents’ performance: A pilot study
(Wolters Kluwer, 2020-09-29)
Background: The 360° feedback tool emerges as one of the most effective techniques for the assessment of humanistic qualities and communication skills of medical trainees, providing effective feedback. A valid Spanish ...
Control of the Gyrover : a single-wheel gyroscopically stabilized robot
(IEEE, 1999)
The Gyrover is a single wheel gyroscopically stabilized mobile robot developed at Carnegie Mellon University. An internal pendulum serves as a counter weight for a drive motor that causes fore/aft motion, while a tilt-mechanism ...
Estabilização de sistemas fuzzy T-S incertos usando realimenta̧ão derivativa
In some practical problems, for instance, in the suppression of vibration in mechanical systems, the state-derivative signals are easier to obtain than the state signals. Thus, a method for state-derivative feedback design ...
Estabilização de sistemas fuzzy T-S incertos usando realimenta̧ão derivativa
In some practical problems, for instance, in the suppression of vibration in mechanical systems, the state-derivative signals are easier to obtain than the state signals. Thus, a method for state-derivative feedback design ...