Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15915
On close to scalar families for fractional evolution equations: zero–one law
For {Rα,β(t)}t≥0 being a strongly continuous (α, β) -resolvent family on a Banach space, we show that the assumption supt>0‖1tβ-1Eα,β(λtα)Rα,β(t)-I‖=:θ<1 yields that Rα , β(t) = tβ - 1Eα , β(λtα) for all t> 0 and λ≥ 0 , ...
Location of the zeros of certain parametric families of functions of generalized Fresnel integral type
In this paper, two parametric families of functions, the so-called Complementary Fresnel
Integral and the Lommel type, which are of generalized Fresnel integral type, are considered.
We review the problems of existence ...
On the goals of family firms: A review and integration
(Elsevier, 2018-06)
In this article, we present a review and integration of 76 articles published in peer-reviewed journals from 1992 to 2016 in order to answer two research questions: what are the goals of family firms and how are they ...
El capítulo octavo de la Exhortación Apostólica Amoris LaetitiaEl capítulo octavo de la Exhortación Apostólica Amoris Laetitia
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2019)
Educação integral em uma situação urbana de pobreza: o caso do Centro Educacional Marista Lúcia Mayvorne
(Florianópolis, SC, 2020)
Roggendorf: The challenge of internationalization of a family enterprise
(Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021)
Roggendorf: The challenge of internationalization of a family enterprise
(Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021)
Mental health care: how can Family Health teams integrate it into Primary Healthcare?
(Abrasco, 2015-10-01)
Mental health is one of the responsibilities of Brazil's Family Health system. This review of literature sought to understand what position Mental Health occupies in the practice of the Family Health Strategy. A search was ...
Comfort from the perspective of families of people hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit
(Brasil, 2012)
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of comfort to the families of people in intensive care units. It consists of a qualitative study carried out in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Salvador-Bahia. Fourteen ...