Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 104
An approach to industrial facility layout evaluation using a performance indexEvaluación de la distribución espacial de plantas industriales mediante un índice de desempeñoAvaliação da distribuição espacial de plantas industriais segundo um índice de desempenho
(RAE - Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRAE - Revista de Administração de EmpresasRAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2016)
Um formalismo relacional para o desenvolvimento de arranjo físico industrial.
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP, 2007-03-01)
The facility layout planning is an important factor of production systems. It is
an important step of the facility planning process where converge determinants from business
strategy, economic and work factors, among ...
Selección de alternativas de redistribución de planta: un enfoque desde las organizaciones
(Universidad IcesiFacultad de Ingeniería, 2012-10-01)
Re-layout projects had become very common, nowadays industrial environments are highly volatile. This is why re-layout projects should consider a lot of features therefore managers can make a good decision. Traditionally, ...
Facility layout design in textile MSMEs. Literature review of resilient indicators
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023)
The capacity to respond and adapt to risks and problems in an organization is critical for business success. Any type of weakness causes inefficient use of resources. On the contrary, flexible facilities can ensure the ...
Planejamento de leiautes para empresas de pequeno e médio porte: uma análise a partir do systematic layout planning e particle swarm optimization
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-12-30)
As one of the most important activities in production engineering, facility planning consists of making decisions regarding the layout of the sectors, production/manufacturing units, storage locations, and so on. This ...
Planejamento de leiautes para empresas de pequeno e médio porte: uma análise a partir do systematic layout planning e particle swarm optimization
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-12-30)
As one of the most important activities in production engineering, facility planning consists of making decisions regarding the layout of the sectors, production/manufacturing units, storage locations, and so on. This ...
Proposta de arranjo físico baseado nos conceitos da produção enxuta para uma fábrica de estruturas metálicas
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2013-08-22)
In a factory of steel structures, the movement of parts is a factor that must be considered, because its components have big size and high weight. Thus, unnecessary transport due to bad positioning of the equipments ...
Aspectos a considerar para una buena gestión en los almacenes de las empresas (Centros de Distribución cedis)
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2011-06-30)
In this document we present different aspects that are necessary to perform an excellent administration and control of distribution centers that corporations may have. If these ideas are implemented correctly in an efficient ...
Aspectos a considerar para una buena gestión en los almacenes de las empresas (Centros de Distribución cedis)
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2011-06-30)
In this document we present different aspects that are necessary to perform an excellent administration and control of distribution centers that corporations may have. If these ideas are implemented correctly in an efficient ...