Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 35
Joint custody: some arguments and content of court decisionsGuarda compartilhada: alguns argumentos e conteúdos da jurisprudência
(Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2013)
El patio en la vivienda popular: El caso de la Colonia Leyes de Reforma 3era sección, Iztapalapa, 2000-2012
En la actualidad, el patio es de los espacios al interior de la vivienda que presenta problemáticas que ponen en riesgo su conservación; el aumento habitacional vertical y el desarrollo de la familia nuclear en estratos ...
Diseño agrupación de viviendas unifamiliares con patio para el municipio Girón, Santander, con enfoque evolutivo
(Pregrado Arquitectura, 2022-06-24)
The design proposal for the grouping of single-family houses with courtyard in the municipality of Girón with an evolutionary approach, arises from the deficit and problems in housing for current families. From a methodological ...
Transformaciones del patio en tres casas unifamiliares de Rogelio Salmona
(Bogotá - Artes - Maestría en Arquitecturascuela de Arquitectura y UrbanismoUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2020-05-20)
This research conceptualizes the notion of the courtyard and its transformation process in the single-family houses of Rogelio Salmona. For this, an analogical and analytical method was used, which in the first instance, ...
Valores formales modernos de la casa patio medianera en Lima-Perú, entre las décadas del 50 al 70
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2020-01-30)
This research addresses the need to identify, analyze and reference single family homes with modern formal value, specifically courtyard house typology between medians, projected and built between 1950 and 1970, in Lima-Peru, ...
O fazer a feira: a feira noturna da agricultura familiar de Araraquara-SP como espaço de reprodução social e econômica
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-04-10)
Part of a city project called "Business of the Field", the family farming Night Fair in Araraquara-SP, takes place every thursday afternoon since July 2014 in the courtyard of the city Railway station. The fair (a kind of ...
El conventillo como tipología de vivienda en el centro histórico de Cuenca
In last decades, Latin-Americans’ historic centers have been the center of public interventions in several urban problems, such as inner city slums, our study’s axis.
With this degree project, we aspire to study the ...