Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 878
As relações entre ética e política na concepção da justiça perante o terceiro em Levinas
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2015-03-23)
This work intends to support the thesis that the relationship between ethics and politics in the thought of Levinas leads in a bond of interdependence and tension that leads to a “pardoxal tension”. On the one hand, the ...
As relações entre ética e política na concepção da justiça perante o terceiro em Levinas
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2015-03-23)
This work intends to support the thesis that the relationship between ethics and politics in the thought of Levinas leads in a bond of interdependence and tension that leads to a “pardoxal tension”. On the one hand, the ...
The Committed Objectivity of Science and the Importance of Scientific Knowledge in Ethical and Political Education
Despite advances in discussions about the nature of science, there is still a paucity of discussion on the ontological dimension of science in science education research that makes it difficult to defend its content and ...
Revisión ético-política del concepto de “pueblo” en Ernesto Laclau y Enrique DusselEthical-political review of the concept of “people” in Ernesto Laclau and Enrique Dussel
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2022)
Libertarianism and social justice: Freedom as a political valueLibertarismo y justicia social: La libertad como valor político
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2012)
The Ethical, Political and Legal Foundations of the Future World OrderLas bases éticas, políticas y jurídicas del orden mundial futuro
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2009)
A articulação da instrumentalidade no exercício profissional do assistente social em Natal/RN
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Serviço SocialServiço Social, Formação Profissional, Trabalho e Proteção Social; Serviço Social, Cultura e Relaçõe, 2013-06-26)
Presents the discussion of practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality (formative; theoretical and intellectual; investigative; technical-instrumental; and ethical-political) Social Work from research ...
¿Cuál es el problema con el cálculo de utilidad?
(Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 2010)