Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 446
Abstract logics, logic maps, and logic homomorphisms
What is a logic? Which properties are preserved by maps between logics? What is the right notion for equivalence of logics? In order to give satisfactory answers we generalize and further develop the topological approach ...
Monadic BL-algebras: The equivalent algebraic semantics of Hájek's monadic fuzzy logic
(Elsevier Science, 2017-08)
In this article we introduce the variety of monadic BL-algebras as BL-algebras endowed with two monadic operators ∀ and ∃. After a study of the basic properties of this variety we show that this class is the equivalent ...
Some fragments of second-order logic over the reals for which satisfiability and equivalence are (un)decidable
(Jagiellonian University, 2014-05)
We consider the Σ1 0-fragment of second-order logic over the vocabulary h+, ×, 0, 1, <, S1, ..., Ski, interpreted over the reals, where the predicate symbols Si are interpreted as semi-algebraic sets. We show that, in this ...
Independence friendly logic with classical negation via flattening is a second-order logic with weak dependencies
(Elsevier Inc, 2014-04)
It is well-known that Independence Friendly (IF) logic is equivalent to existential secondorder logic (Σ1 1 ) and, therefore, is not closed under classical negation. The Boolean closure of IF sentences, called Extended ...
The Semi-Heyting Brouwer Logic
(Springer, 2015-08)
In this paper we introduce a logic that we name semi Heyting–Brouwer logic, SHB, in such a way that the variety of double semi-Heyting algebras is its algebraic counterpart. We prove that, up to equivalences by translations, ...
First-order swap structures semantics for some logics of formal inconsistency
(Oxford Univ Press, 2020-09-01)
The logics of formal inconsistency (LFIs, for short) are paraconsistent logics (i.e. logics containing contradictory but nontrivial theories) having a consistency connective which allows to recover the ex falso quodlibet ...
Algebraic semantics and calculi for Nelson's logics
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM SISTEMAS E COMPUTAÇÃO, 2022-02-18)
The aim of this thesis is to study a family of logics, comprised of Nelson’s logic S, constructive logic with strong negation N 3, quasi-Nelson logic QN and quasi-Nelson implicative
logic QN I. This is done in two ways. ...
Swap logic
We investigate dynamic modal operators that can change the model during evaluation. We define the logic SL by extending the basic modal language with the ♦ modality, which is a diamond operator that in addition has the ...
On Some Semi-Intuitionistic Logics
(Springer, 2015-04-05)
Semi-intuitionistic logic is the logic counterpart to semi-Heyting algebras, which were defined by H. P. Sankappanavar as a generalization of Heyting algebras. We present a new, more streamlined set of axioms for ...
Geometry of Robinson consistency in Łukasiewicz logic
(Elsevier Science, 2007-06)
We establish the Robinson joint consistency theorem for the infinite-valued propositional logic of Łukasiewicz. As a corollary we easily obtain the amalgamation property for MV-algebras-the algebras of Łukasiewicz logic: ...