Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 61
Storm-time equatorial thermospheric dynamics and electrodynamics
(Utah State University, 2020)
It presents the first comprehensive study of the equatorial thermospheric dynamics and ionospheric electrodynamics over Peru following enhanced energy depositions into the high-latitude ionosphere during geomagnetic storms. ...
Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamic perturbations during Southern Hemisphere stratospheric warming events
(American Geophysical Union, 2013-03)
We use ground-based and satellite measurements to examine, for the first time, the characteristics of equatorial electrodynamic perturbations measured during the 2002 major and 2010 minor Southern Hemisphere sudden ...
Comparison of storm time equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics in the African and American sectors
(Elsevier, 2010-08-12)
The characteristics of storm time (corotating interaction regions (CIR)-driven storm that happened on 9 August 2008) equatorial electrojet (EEJ) phenomena and their effect on the ionospheric density structure at two different ...
Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics during solar flares
(American Geophysical Union, 2017-05-09)
Previous investigations on ionospheric responses to solar flares focused mainly on the photoionization caused by the increased X‐rays and extreme ultraviolet irradiance. However, little attention was paid to the related ...
Nighttime vertical plasma drifts and the occurrence of sunrise undulation at the dip equator: A study using Jicamarca incoherent backscatter radar measurements
(American Geophysical Union, 2013-10-23)
The absence of photoionization, in combination with sustained downward plasma motion at night, means that the F region can be severely depleted at the magnetic equator in the morning. As a result, at sunrise, there can be ...
Altitudinal dependence of evening equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts
(American Geophysical Union, 2014-06-06)
We use Jicamarca incoherent scatter radar measurements to study for the first time the altitudinal variations of late afternoon and early night equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts. We also present the initial vertical ...
Lunar-dependent equatorial ionospheric electrodynamic effects during sudden stratospheric warmings
(American Geophysical Union, 2010)
We have used plasma drift and magnetic field measurements during the 2001–2009 December solstices to study, for the first time, the longitudinal dependence of equatorial ionospheric electrodynamic perturbations during ...
Response of the equatorial ionosphere to the geomagnetic DP 2 current system
(American Geophysical Union, 2016-07-12)
The response of equatorial ionosphere to the magnetospheric origin DP 2 current system fluctuations is examined using ground‐based multiinstrument observations. The interaction between the solar wind and magnetosphere ...
Equatorial E and F Region scattering structures over Jicamarca
(Trans - Equatorial and Near Equatorial Radio Propagation (TENERP), 1993)
During the IGY, from December 1957 to November 1958, Trans-equatorial, 50 MHz forward scatter propagation studies were carried out in Perú by the National Bureau of Standards. They had different propagation paths. They ...
Enhanced lunar semidiurnal equatorial vertical plasma drifts during sudden stratospheric warmings
(American Geophysical Union, 2011-11-15)
Large scale electrodynamic and plasma density variations in the low latitude ionosphere have recently been associated with sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events. We present empirical models of largely enhanced lunar ...