Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27799
Narrative economics. How stories go viral & drive major economic events
- What causes the recurrent bubbles and busts in financial markets that create so much disruption in our lives? Economists have explored all sorts of possible causes, fron subtle changes in monetary policy to the solar ...
Narrative economics. How stories go viral & drive major economic events
- What causes the recurrent bubbles and busts in financial markets that create so much disruption in our lives? Economists have explored all sorts of possible causes, fron subtle changes in monetary policy to the solar ...
Flujo de germoplasma, redes regionales de investigación agrícola y el papel de los derechos de propiedad intelectual
(CIMMYThttps://repositorio.iica.int/handle/11324/10193, 2012)
Social Rights and Deontological Constraints
(Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019-01)
Assuming that there is not terminological or conceptual impediment to call social and economic rights “human rights”, this paper argues that social and economic human rights are normatively different from classical civil ...
Economic and social rights and truth commissions
This article asks whether economic and social rights (ESR) violations
should be included in the thematic mandate of truth commissions
(TC), and if so, how. Specifically, it analyses whether to investigate
large-scale ...
Labor market institutions and employment policies: the international experience
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2003-06)
This paper presents evidence that legal protection of property rights is indeed
an important contributor to economic success but that institutional and legal
protection of the rights of labor is also associated with ...
Cuenta Contable
Public Accounting (keeps track of the costs that make the state), the Social (thing management Public Accounting (keeps track of the costs that make the state), the social (public affairs management and obligations individuals ...