Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 408
State Institutional Quality and Economic Development: Comparison between East Asia and Latin America
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 2022)
China y la trampa del ingreso medio : el rol de la productividad total de los factores
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2015)
Se estudia desde la perspectiva de la Productividad Total de los Factores si China podrá convertirse en una economía de ingreso alto o si caerá en la denominada trampa del ingreso medio. Se analiza la necesidad de tener ...
The Wild East : Criminal Political Economics in South Asia
The Wild East bridges political economy and anthropology to examine a variety of il/legal economic sectors and businesses such as red sanders, coal, fire, oil, sand, air spectrum, land, water, real estate, procurement and ...
El "Cercano Oeste" de los Estados Unidos: las economías dinámicas de Asia del Este
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 1997-12-30)
It examines the process of opening up Asian markets to US participation, which occurred as a result of technological, ideological and individual changes. These changes contribute to regional economic integration, reason ...
El "Cercano Oeste" de los Estados Unidos: las economías dinámicas de Asia del Este
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 1997-12-30)
It examines the process of opening up Asian markets to US participation, which occurred as a result of technological, ideological and individual changes. These changes contribute to regional economic integration, reason ...
Asia-Pacific and Latin America: Dynamics of regional integration and international cooperation
(ECLAC, 2017-06)
Regional economic integration is stronger when complementarity and synergy effects are generated between “de jure” economic integration and close economic relations achieved autonomously through market-led /business-driven ...
Strengthening biregional cooperation between Latin America and Asia-Pacific: the role of FEALAC
(ECLAC, 2013-06)
The increasing prominence of developing countries in the world economy reects not only their economic dynamism but also stronger links through increased South-South trade, investment and cooperation. Developing countries ...
Fortalecimiento de la cooperación birregional entre América Latina y Asia y el Pacífico El papel del FOCALAE
(CEPAL, 2013-11)
The increasing prominence of developing countries in the world economy reects not only their economic dynamism but also stronger links through increased South-South trade, investment and cooperation. Developing countries ...