Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
Diseño de un plan de seguridad e higiene industrial para la Empresa Imporquivi Cia. Ltda.
This thesis was developed with the aim that, once the study is completed is able to design a Plan Safety and Industrial Hygiene for the company IMPORQUIVI Co. Ltd. and both represent a useful tool. The company in question ...
Diseño de un plan de mantenimiento mecatrónico para la maquinaria en la empresa IMPORQUIVI. Cia. Ltda.
The design of the maintenance plan for the company IMPORQUIVI CIA. LTDA. It deals with the diagnosis of the machinery, where the technical sheets are made, maintenance processes with the help of a comprehensive control ...
Análisis del deterioro de cuentas por cobrar por aplicación de NIIF 9 en las empresas intermediarias del comercio de la madera de la ciudad de Cuenca. Caso de estudio Imporquivi Cía. Ltda.
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2021-07-23)
The objective of this article is to determine, through the use of Markov matrix transition, the
behavior of accounts receivable and the accounting treatment that should be given to their
provisions under NIIF 9, through ...