Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 113
Analysis of regenerative braking efficiency in an electric vehicle through experimental tests
This paper presents a regenerative braking system analysis of efficiency in real driving conditions and different road geographies. Factors affecting or benefiting energy recovery were identified, these are: the weight of ...
Projeto do sistema de frenagem de um veículo tipo Baja SAE
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Engenharia MecânicaEngenharia MecânicaUTFPR, 2020-12-07)
This work proposes the elaboration of a methodology for the dimensioning of the braking system of a competition Baja prototype. The objective is to report the improvement of the project in the braking system of the Baja ...
Simulação de um sistema de freios regenerativos utilizando controlador lógico fuzzy em veículos elétricos
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Engenharia ElétricaEngenharia ElétricaUTFPR, 2021-12-10)
With the increase number of electric vehicles on the market and the incessant search for ways to optimize the energy efficiency of these vehicles, the study of regenerative brake models becomes increasingly necessary. The ...
Desenvolvimento de uma bancada de testes de freios com torque de frenagem de até 400Nm
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Tecnologia, 2023-07-28)
Aiming to create a product to be used by Formula and Baja SAE competition teams, we saw the opportunity to design an equipment capable of obtaining data and simulate the real braking of the vehicle without putting people ...
Análisis de la eficiencia del freno regenerativo en un vehículo eléctrico mediante pruebas experimentales
Este artículo presenta un análisis de la eficiencia del
frenado regenerativo en condiciones reales de conducción
y en diferentes geografías de carretera. Se
identificaron los factores que afectan o benefician a ...
Energy storage for electric vehicles
(IEEE, 2010)
Electric vehicles have reached a mature technology today because they are superior to internal combustion engines (ICE) in efficiency, endurance, durability, acceleration capability and simplicity. Besides, they can recover ...