Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 101
Pause, Presence, Public: from Dance Theater to Workshop PerformancePause, Présence, Public : de la Danse-Théâtre à la Performance-AtelierPausa, Presença, Público: da dança-teatro à performance-oficina
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2011)
Evaluación de la calidad del agua mediante macroinvertebrados en el tramo Padre Carollo-Paus de la microcuenca hidrografica del Río Blanco, Morona Santiago.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2018)
This research proposes: to evaluate the water quality of the Río Blanco using macro aquatic invertebrates employing the Biological Index BMWP conditioning to the ecological characteristics and ...
Pausa, Presencia, Público. De la Danza-Teatro al Performance-TallerPausa, Presencia, Público. De la Danza-Teatro al Performance-Taller
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2012)
Methods for quantitative analysis of axonal cargo transport
(Springer, 2017-12)
Neurons rely on complex axonal transport mechanisms that mediate the intracellular dynamics of proteins, vesicles, and mitochondria along their high polarized structure. The fast improvement of live imaging techniques of ...
Determinación de la calidad de agua mediante el uso de diatomeas bentónicas en el tramo padre Carollo-Paus, del Rio Blanco. parroquia Rio Blanco, cantón Morona, provincia de Morona Santiago.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2018-12)
The objective was to determine the water quality of the Río Blanco through the use of benthic diatoms and using the IPS Biological Index, which does not condition the ecological characteristics and population dynamics of ...
Cooperative and sequence-dependent model for RNAP dynamics: Application to ribosomal gene transcription
Escherichia coli ribosomal genes are a well-established experimental model used to investigate the transcription process. These genes are essential to cell physiology and are therefore strongly expressed. Multiple transcription ...
Coordination dynamics and attentional costs of continuous and discontinuous bimanual circle drawing movements
It has been suggested that the temporal control of rhythmic unimianual movements is different between tasks requiring continuous (e.g., circle drawing) and discontinuous movements (e.g., finger tapping). Specifically, for ...
Video quality metric for streaming service using DASH standard
(IEEE Xplore, 2018)