Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 906
Revolutionary medicine: a response to corporatizing healthcare in India
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014)
Doctors and healthcare workers at frontline of COVID 19 epidemic: Admiration, a pat on the back, and need for extreme caution
Dr Li Wenliang (China), an ophthalmologist in Wuhan General
Hospital, was a hero in more ways than one. He was first to warn
about possible outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) like illness (later termed ...
Conflict in migrant doctor–local doctor communication in public healthcare institutions in Chile
(Equinox, 2020-09)
When investigating intercultural communication in healthcare settings, interprofessional communication has received very little scholarly attention compared to doctor–patient interactions. Interactions among doctors, ...
The origins of the Welfare State in Costa Rica: Healthcare and social protection (1850-1940)Los orígenes del Estado de Bienestar en Costa Rica: Salud y protección social (1850-1940)
(Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, 2021)
Building resilient supply chains through flexibility: a case study in healthcare
(FGV EAESP, 2015-12-22)
This research seeks to understand how the capability of flexibility manifests itself for the formation of resilience in service supply chains. The survey was conducted through a single case study of a hospital chain that ...
Doctors' experience of coordination across care levels and associated factors. A cross-sectional study in public healthcare networks of six Latin American countries
(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)
© 2017 The Authors Improving coordination between primary care (PC) and secondary care (SC) has become a policy priority in recent years for many Latin American public health systems looking to reinforce a healthcare model ...
A Proposal for Mobile Diabetes Self-control: Towards a Patient Monitoring Framework
In this paper, we present a proposal for Patients’ Mobile Monitoring. This framework enables the definition and generation of profiles, modules and communication structures between each of the measuring devices and the ...
Primary Care In Brazil, And The Mais Médicos (more Doctors) Program In The Unified Health System: Achievements And LimitsA Atenção Primária E O Programa Mais Médicos Do Sistema Único De Saúde: Conquistas E Limites
(Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude Coletiva, 2016)