Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 181
The concept of people’s cognitive model as a national and cultural worldview
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Sports vocabulary: political and everyday discourseVocabulario deportivo: discurso político y cotidianoVocabulário do esporte: discurso político e diário
(Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Araraquara, 2021)
Understanding improved interactions in a Physics classroom through the lens of discourse progressiveness
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-10)
Science-learning research has addressed the analysis of discourse dynamics in classes oriented towards student-centred learning environments. One aspect not much investigated is the progressiveness of that discourse. For ...
On the notion of suffering in the Bribri indigenous populationSobre la noción de sufrimiento en la población indígena Bribri
(Sistema Editorial y de Difusión de la Investigación (SIEDIN), Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
The relationship between science and religion in the education of protestant biology preservice teachers in a Brazilian university
In this paper we discuss the results of an investigation aiming at mapping the conceptions of nature of protestant biology preservice teachers in a Brazilian university, State University of Feira de Santana, and elucidating ...
Pragmatic discourse of the comments on Facebook in the Kazakh language
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Buen vivir as a counterhegemonic discourse. post-development, indigenism and the nature from the andean point of view [El buen vivir como discurso contrahegemónico. Postdesarrollo, indigenismo y naturaleza desde la visión andina]Buen vivir as a counterhegemonic discourse. post-development, indigenism and the nature from the andean point of view [El buen vivir como discurso contrahegemónico. Postdesarrollo, indigenismo y naturaleza desde la visión andina].
In this article we delve into the notion "Good Living", understanding it as a concept with immense counterhegemonic power. We investigate its compelling criticism of Eurocentric modernity, specifically the ideas of "progress" ...
The influence of interdependence in networked publics spheres: how community-level interactions affect the evolution of topics in online discourse
(Oxford University Press, 2021)
Investigations of networked public spheres often examine the structures of online platforms by
studying users’ interactions. These works suggest that users’ interactions can lead to cyberbalkanization
when interlocutors ...
Emerging worldview features (indigenous and nonindigenous) from La Vega de los gayones of Kumunibare community at Cují-Tamaca parish of Lara stateRasgos cosmovisionarios emergentes (indígenas y no indígenas) de la comunidad La Vega de los gayones de Kumunibare parroquia Cují-Tamaca del estado Lara
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2016)
A construção do discurso paródico na pornochanchada: uma cosmovisão carnavalesca
In Brazil, in the 197 there was an effervescence in film production. In this period, erotic comedies were made and labeled pornochanchadas. These films made a big hit facing to the Brazilian public, but were always ridiculed ...