Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 687
Análisis de la eficiencia de un disco de freno convencional ventilado con respecto a un disco hiperventilado mediante mecanizado
Este estudio tiene como finalidad rediseñar un disco
de freno ventilado a un disco hiperventilado para comparar las diferencias de temperatura y distancias de
frenado, para ello se instaló un sistema de monitoreo
en el ...
Cooling in the shade of warped transition discs
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
© 2019 The Author(s).The mass of the gaseous reservoir in young circumstellar discs is a crucial initial condition for the formation of planetary systems, but estimates vary by orders of magnitude. In some discs with ...
Spiral arms in the protoplanetary disc HD100453 detected with ALMA: evidence for binary-disc interaction and a vertical temperature gradient
(Oxford Univ Press, 2020)
Scattered light high-resolution imaging of the protoplanetary disc orbiting HD100453 shows two symmetric spiral arms, possibly launched by an external stellar companion. In this paper, we present new, sensitive high-resolution ...
Radiation thermo-chemical models of protoplanetary discs IV. Modelling CO ro-vibrational emission from Herbig Ae discs
(EDP Sciences, 2013)
Context. The carbon monoxide (CO) ro-vibrational emission from discs around Herbig Ae stars and T Tauri stars with strong ultraviolet
emissions suggests that fluorescence pumping from the ground X1Σ+ to the electronic A1Π ...
Cooling in the shade of warped transition discs
The mass of the gaseous reservoir in young circumstellar discs is a crucial initial condition for the formation of planetary systems, but estimates vary by orders of magnitude. In some discs with resolvable cavities, sharp ...
Erratum: Cooling in the shade of warped transition disks
(Oxford University Press, 2020)
This is an Erratum to the paper ‘Cooling in the shade of warped transition disks’ that was published in MNRAS, 486, L58-L62 (2019). The x-axis of Fig. 1 in the original version of the paper is incorrectly labeled, the ...
PS1-10jh-a tidal disruption event with an extremely low disc temperature