Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 651
Methodology for the digitalization of advertisement at the point of sale for gross margin increase in the traditional retail trade
(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2019-01-01)
Retail trade modernization in Peru has displaced the traditional retailer as the first option when it comes to shopping. Supermarkets have grown 45% during the last four years and the new convenience stores gather all ...
Digital platform based on geomarketing as an improvement in micro and small enterprises
(Institute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceID, 2022-05-28)
"After the situation generated by the pandemic caused by COVID-19, micro
and small enterprises (MSEs) faced a complex reality, having to cope with
business uncertainty. This research proposes a digital platform based ...
Digital platform based on geomarketing as an improvement in micro and small enterprises
(Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer SciencePE, 2022-07)
After the situation generated by the pandemic caused by COVID-19, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) faced a complex reality, having to cope with business uncertainty. This research proposes a digital platform based on ...
The Efficiency Of The Online Virtual Platform Http://lagepeuece.wix.com/geneticauece In Teaching Animal Genetics Undergraduate Course Of Favet - UeceA Eficiência Da Plataforma Virtual Online Http://lagepeuece.wix.com/geneticauece No Ensino Da Disciplina De Graduação Genética Animal Da Favet â Uece
(Univ Federal Ceara, Centro Ciencias AgrariasFortaleza, 2016)
Produção de um guia metodológico: customização da plataforma Escolas na Rede no Rio Grande do Norte
This study discusses the customization of the “Schools on the Network” Platform (PER) in the
State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), the result of a partnership with the platform Digital School.
The objective was, in general, ...
La bolsa de juguetes
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020)
A responsabilidade civil das plataformas de vendas digitais à luz do marco civil da internet
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilFaculdade Nacional de DireitoUFRJ, 2022)
Barreras de crecimiento del formato tradicional de venta por catálogo de productos de belleza y la oportunidad del comercio electrónico como medio de venta e intención de compra
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2019-11-23)
En el siguiente trabajo de investigación se busco en primera instancia saber como está el mercado actual de venta por catálogo para comprender cuales son las barreras de crecimiento que tienen para migrar hacia una venta ...
Análisis del Desempeño de las Plataformas Digitales de Comercialización para los Emprendimientos de Productos Artesanales de Guayaquil, Año 2020
The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of these digital marketing platforms
in the enterprises of craft products in Guayaquil during the year 2020 the descriptive method
was used to detail, analyze ...
Sharing economy platforms: a study on food waste reduction
This project addresses the issue of reducing food waste through shared economy digital platforms. This issue is relevant because according to FAO reports (2011, 2017b) 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted annually in the ...