Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27332
How can activists fight digital pollution in adverse brand contexts?
Digital pollution concerns the pollution of new technologies through the global functioning of the Internet network, the manufacture of digital tools, and their uses. Digital ecology is a central axis to develop to rationalize ...
Convergences between digital curation and information design in the post custodial context of information scienceConvergências entre a curadoria digital e o design da informação no contexto pós custodial da ciência da informação
Objective: Identify the approximations between Digital Curation (DC) and Information Design (ID) in the context of Information Science (IS) and point out the contributions of these convergences to the efficiency and ...
Digital silk road in the context of the people’s Republic of China
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Del Mirar Indolente. Aparato, Fantasma Subjetividad en el Contexto de la Imagen Digital.From the indolent gaze. Apparatus, fantasme and subjectivity in the context of the digital image.Del mirar indolente. Aparato, fantasma subjetividad en el contexto de la imagen digital.From the indolent gaze. Apparatus, fantasme and subjectivity in the context of the digital image.
The present text is proposed as a reflection on the link between the digital evolution of the image and the configuration of the contemporary subject. For this, we focus the attention on images displayed within a digital ...
Conceptual representation of digital medical images: Integrating Context and Visual Content
(Univ Complutense Madrid, Servicio Publicaciones, 2016-01-01)
This paper presented a proposal conceptual framework to represent digital medical images, which is integrated: 1) descriptive elements from the rules of cataloging and metadata standards for information resources, 2) ...
DILAM CONCEPTUAL MODEL: integration of archives, libraries and museums
(Univ Federal Campina Grande, 2017-05-01)
Descriptive principles in archives, libraries and museums present diverse procedures and are consistent with the ways in which their resources are represented, mainly in relation to the description of the image content. ...
From the indolent gaze. Apparatus, fantasme and subjectivity in the context of the digital image.From the indolent gaze. Apparatus, fantasme and subjectivity in the context of the digital image.
In the present investigation we propose to reflect on the existing link
between the digital evolution of the image and the new articulation of the phantasmatic dimension of the subject. We analyze computer-technological ...