Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4376
Introduction: platform labor and healthIntroduction: platform labor and healthIntroducción: trabajo por plataforma y salud
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde., 2023)
Digital platform based on geomarketing as an improvement in micro and small enterprises
(Institute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceID, 2022-05-28)
"After the situation generated by the pandemic caused by COVID-19, micro
and small enterprises (MSEs) faced a complex reality, having to cope with
business uncertainty. This research proposes a digital platform based ...
Digital platform based on geomarketing as an improvement in micro and small enterprises
(Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer SciencePE, 2022-07)
After the situation generated by the pandemic caused by COVID-19, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) faced a complex reality, having to cope with business uncertainty. This research proposes a digital platform based on ...
Prospects for developing the legal regulation of digital platformsPerspectivas de desarrollo de la regulación legal de las plataformas digitales
(Corporación Universidad de la CostaColombia, 2023)
To exploit and dispossess: The twofold logic of platform capitalism
(Pluto Journals, 2021-08)
This paper addresses the relation between capital and digital labour in the context of so-called platform capitalism. Based on the taxonomy proposed by A. Casilli – on-demand labour, crowdwork or microwork, and social media ...
Na fronteira do emprego: análise de acórdãos regionais em processos entre entregadores e plataformas digitais
A dissertação está localizada no campo do Direito do Trabalho e consiste em uma pesquisa empírica sobre a formação de jurisprudência na Justiça do Trabalho. O tema da pesquisa é a prestação de serviço de entrega por meio ...
Future of work & gig economy: work plan
(CEPI FGV Direito SP, 2020-12-15)
The Center for Education and Research on Innovation (CEPI FGV São Paulo Law School) presents this work plan as a continuation of its research agenda on the future of professions and technology regulation. Based on important ...