Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 90
What Do We Do When We Discuss? A Micro-genetic Analysis of Couples’ Conflict
This article focuses on dialogic discursive dynamics present in couples’ conversations about unresolved conflicts.
The phenomenon of conflict is addressed as a semiotically mediated process of co-construction of the self ...
What Do We Do When We Discuss? A Micro-genetic Analysis of Couples’ Conflict
This article focuses on dialogic discursive dynamics present in couples’ conversations about unresolved conflicts.
The phenomenon of conflict is addressed as a semiotically mediated process of co-construction of the self ...
Self-organisation in dialogical patterns of a patient with borderline personality disorder and their therapist: A case study from nonlinear dynamics perspective
Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify self-organised dynamics in sessions with dialogical patterns (i.e. reflective interactions of self-states associated with psychological change) within long-term ...
Campo e enunciado : Problema da articulação do discurso
According to Bakhtin, to speak is to reply, and replies are neither known in advance, as they are unrepeatable creative acts, nor completely novel, as they recreate the given word. Thus, one relevant question is how a given ...
Discursively constituted experience or experience as reply : a rejoinder
The goal of the paper is to briefly sketch a theoretical proposal about the role played by discourse in the texture and texturing of lived experience. Inspired by the work of Bakhtin, we develop implications of concepts ...
Arena contemporânea: o embate dialógico nas fanpages "Verdade sem manipulação" e "Movimento Endireita Brasil"
Modernity presents itself fluid (BAUMAN, 2001), since time and space show
themselves marked by dynamicity and by ceaseless moviment (HAN, 2015; CRARY,
2016). The rupture of the solids, of the unshakeable truths, of the ...
Dynamic Patterns in the Voices of a Patient Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, and the Therapist throughout Long-Term Psychotherapy
This case study identified the subjective change in a patient diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) by analyzing the dynamic patterns that emerged during discursive interaction with her therapist during a ...
A dialogia no ensino de ciências: um estudo do desenvolvimento do discurso em sala de aula
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2015-02-04)
This research aimed to identify and characterize the transitions between dialogic and authoritative discourses over two different sequences of lessons. The investigated sequences are: chemical reactions for a Brazilian ...
Discourse-voice regulatory strategies in the psychotherapeutic interaction: a state-space dynamics analysis
This study seeks to provide evidence of the dynamics associated with the configurations of discourse-voice regulatory strategies in patient–therapist interactions in relevant episodes within psychotherapeutic sessions. Its ...
Discourse-voice regulatory strategies in the psychotherapeutic interaction: a state-space dynamics analysis
This study seeks to provide evidence of the dynamics associated with the configurations of discourse-voice regulatory strategies in patient–therapist interactions in relevant episodes within psychotherapeutic sessions. Its ...