Arena contemporânea: o embate dialógico nas fanpages "Verdade sem manipulação" e "Movimento Endireita Brasil"
2019-07-23Registro en:
PAZ, Morgana Lobão dos Santos. Arena contemporânea: o embate dialógico nas fanpages "Verdade sem manipulação" e "Movimento Endireita Brasil". 2019. 110f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Paz, Morgana Lobão dos Santos
Modernity presents itself fluid (BAUMAN, 2001), since time and space show
themselves marked by dynamicity and by ceaseless moviment (HAN, 2015; CRARY,
2016). The rupture of the solids, of the unshakeable truths, of the plastified speeches
and the impenetrable institutions, has launched us to the investigations of the
discursive practices that happen in spheres that demand the construction of knowledge
in order to comprehend the subject that is conceived in this fluid modernity. The social
media, specifically, the Facebook, are part of people’s daily lives, as socio discursive
spaces that magnify/potentialize/amplify and promote the emergence of varied
discursive genres and text supports in this virtual chronotope (MELO, 2016). The new
interactions, built by and on the internet, generate new social relationships, new
relationship patterns with the other and with the world. This work aims to analyze the
dialogical clashes that were/are constructed by, on the specified social media, more
specifically, on the fanpages: Verdade sem manipulação (Truth without manipulation)
and Movimento Endireita Brasil (Right Brazil Moviment), and how are constituted,
discursively, these clashes on the concrete statements that compose the corpus of
analysis. The cutout happened thematically-temporally, delimiting the theme
“impeachment of former president Dilma Rousseff” in the period that comprehends
since her acceptance by the president of the Chamber until her admissibility by her
own self. To analyze this corpus, it is referred to the theoretical foundation of the
Bakhtin Circle (1998, 2003, 2009, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) in what concerns the
conception of language, constitutively dialogical; the dialogical clash and
positioning/valuations. In what concerns the liquid modernity, it is resorted upon the
postulations of Bauman (2001) and the culture of connection of Jenkins (2014). The
construction of data, happened from the focus of the qualitative-interpretivist research,
making usage of the interpretation of linguistic/discursive indexes, from the indiciary
paradigm of Ginzburg (1989). The results point to the presence of open controversies,
whose dialogical processes are configured by means of bivocality, of subversion, of
reaffirmation, of reframing, of disconnected statements in a fierce clash in the
discursive arena, Facebook.