Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 67
Predicción de procesos determinísticos mediante técnicas de interpolación y extrapolación de funciones
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 20 d)
Do water dynamics and land use in riparian areas change the spatial pattern of physical–mechanical properties of a Cambisol?
Changes in land use in riverside ecosystems added to the flood and ebb regimes of rivers modify the spatial variability of the physical–mechanical attributes of soil, making it more susceptible to degradation processes, ...
Assessing the performance of several rainfall interpolation methods as evaluated by a conceptual hydrological model
(Scopus, 2016)
The objective of this study was to assess the performance of several rainfall interpolation methods as evaluated by
a conceptual hydrological model. To this purpose, the upper Toro River catchment (43.15 km2) located in ...
Avaliação de interpoladores estatísticos e determinísticos na estimativa de atributos do solo em agricultura de precisão
The obtaining of the correct space distribution for attributes of the soil is relevant in the agricultural planning, in what concerns to the installation and maintenance of the cultures. The objective of that work was to ...
Avaliação de interpoladores estatísticos e determinísticos na estimativa de atributos do solo em agricultura de precisão
The obtaining of the correct space distribution for attributes of the soil is relevant in the agricultural planning, in what concerns to the installation and maintenance of the cultures. The objective of that work was to ...
Extracting information about the rotator cuff from magnetic resonance images using deterministic and random techniques
We consider some methods to extract information about the rotator cuff based on magnetic resonance images; the study aims to define an alternative method of display that might facilitate the detection of partial tears in ...
Evaluaci?n de diferentes m?todos de interpolaci?n para la variable precipitaci?n en el departamento del Tolima-Colombia
(Universidad de Ibagu?Facultad de Ingenier?a, 2019)