Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1550
Operatoria dental en odontopediatria
(Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 2019-01-02)
La caries dental es una enfermedad que produce daño a nivel de esmalte y dentina; debido a esto el diente ve afectada su forma y función, la cual puede ser recuperada mediante los tratamientos restaurativos. Las nuevas ...
Importancia de los tipos de aislamiento en pacientes que requieren operatoria dental
El aislamiento del campo operatorio es de suma importancia en la práctica odontológica, buena parte del éxito en los tratamientos estomatológicos dependen de ello especialmente cuando se realizan restauraciones inmediatas ...
Effect of electromagnetic field on bone regeneration around dental implants after immediate placement in the dog mandible: a pilot study
Background: Accelerating bone healing around dental implants can reduce the long-term period between the insertion of implants and functional rehabilitation. Objective: This in vivo study evaluated the effect of a constant ...
Preparaciones cavitarias
(Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 2019-09-27)
Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) la caries dental es la enfermedad bucal
más prevalente, por lo que la prevención y la educación del paciente es fundamental para
disminuir la incidencia y la recidiva, sin ...
Monitoring scaling and dental calculus removal with an optical fluorescence system
(Institute of Physics - IOPBristol, 2014-08)
Fluorescence results from a process that occurs under certain conditions in molecules known as fluorophores, fluorochromes or fluorescent dyes when they absorb light. The molecule is excited to a higher energy state and ...
Monitoring scaling and dental calculus removal with an optical fluorescence system
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2014-08-01)
Fluorescence results from a process that occurs under certain conditions in molecules known as fluorophores, fluorochromes or fluorescent dyes when they absorb light. The molecule is excited to a higher energy state and ...
Endodontic medicine: Interrelationships among apical periodontitis, systemic disorders, and tissue responses of dental materials
Endodontic medicine, which addresses the bidirectional relationship between endodontic infections and systemic diseases, has gained prominence in the field of endodontics. There is much evidence showing that while systemic ...
Nanobiomaterials in dentistry
During the last decade, nanotechnology has emerged as a separate field of research, mainly because of its application in different areas, such as engineering, medicine, dentistry, and in the development of different ...
Biofilm oral y efectos sobre la caries dental y enfermedad periodontal
(Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología, 2023-03)
El biofilm oral son ensamblajes de microorganismos altamente ordenados, asociados a la superficie de una matriz extracelular y es el principal factor etiológico de una variedad de enfermedades orales la caries ...
Magnification loupes in dentistry: A qualitative study of dental students’ perspectives
Introduction: The nature of the oral operating field makes it a challenge for dentists to work while maintaining musculoskeletal health. Strategies have been studied in recent years to improve visualisation of the operating ...