Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 156
K. S. Singh. An anthropological atlas : ecology and cultural traits, languages and linguistic traits, demographic and biological traits. Delhi : Anthropological Survey of India ; Oxford University Press, 1993. (People of India National Series ; v. 11)
(El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, 2012)
Genetic legacy of state centralization in the Kuba Kingdom of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(National Academy of Sciences, 2019)
Few phenomena have had as profound or long-lasting consequences in human history as the emergence of large-scale centralized states in the place of smaller scale and more local societies. This study examines a fundamental, ...
Demography, Territory, and Identity of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil: The Xavante Indians and the 2000 Brazilian National Census
(Society for Applied Anthropology, 2023)
Implications of transnational migration between the United States and Mexico for the professional development of teachers: anthropological perspectivesLas implicaciones de la migración transnacional entre Estados Unidos y México para el desarrollo profesional de los docentes: perspectivas antropológicas
(Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, 2021)
Anthropology of the South American Lowlands
(Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Institut interdisciplinaire d’anthropologie du contemporain. Laboratoire d'anthropologie et d'histoire de l'institution de la culture (Francia)Ministère de la Culture. Direction des Patrimoines (Francia), 2020)
Abstract: Since the first contacts, the ’lowlands’ of South America have been defined in a residual way,
as the term referred to all the regions that do not belong to the Andes: the immense
Amazon, the Chaco, Patagonia ...
Secular trend in age at menarche in indigenous and nonindigenous women in Chile
Objectives: To estimate the secular trend in age at menarche, comparing indigenous and nonindigenous women, and its relationship with socio-demographic, family and nutritional factors. Methods: A study (historical cohorts) ...
Eu vi a face de Deus pichada no muro: considerações sobre a categoria censitária dos Sem Religião em Araraquara-SP
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-02-27)
O Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística mantêm uma série histórica e coesa dos Censos Demográficos desde 1940, apresentando a cada 10 anos um "retrato do Brasil". A partir dos anos 1980 as comunidades científicas ...
Zooming out from archaeological discontinuities: The meaning of mid-Holocene temporal troughs in South American deserts
(Elsevier, 2017)
Building on previous research at smaller scales, in this paper we assemble paleoecological data and
archaeological time-series for deserts located in three latitudinal bands along the South American Arid
Diagonal (16 –41 ...