Artículos de revistas
Nuptiality Of Indigenous People: Possibilities And Limitations Of Analyses Using The Demographic Census Of 2010
Nupcialidad De Los Indígenas: Posibilidades Y Limitaciones De Análisis Utilizando Datos Del Censo Demográfico De 2010
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Revista Brasileira De Estudos De População. Associacao Brasileira De Estudos Populacionais, v. 33, n. 2, p. 375 - 398, 2016.
Longo L.A.F.B.
Ferreira L.O.
Do Amaral Azevedo M.M.
This paper analyzes nuptiality data from the Brazilian 2010 Demographic Census, with a focus on indigenous women. There is an extensive anthropological literature about the social organization of indigenous peoples in Brazil and its relation to marriage practices. Concerning the demographic field, however, very little is known about nuptiality in this segment of the population and how it compares with non-indigenous women. The objective is to present an analysis of nuptiality patterns, using the surveyed categories of race/color in the 2010 Census, focusing on indigenous population. The mean age of women at marriage and non formal union by race/ color and endogamy and exogamy rates are estimated, showing results stratified by age groups, marital status, place of residence urban or rural, and residents in municipalities with or without Indigenous Lands. Despite the evident data limitation, the results show that indigenous women present the lowest mean age at marriage, as well as the highest endogamy rates by race/color. © 2016, Associacao Brasileira de Estudos Populacionais. All rights reserved. 33 2 375 398