Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 570
Space, social theory and peripheral imagination: Brazilian intellectual history and de-colonial debates
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2011-05)
The spatial turn is a much discussed theme in social theory. However, it is still based on a Eurocentric perspective that excludes other forms of reflection about space. In this article the author addresses the spatial ...
Multiculturalism and interculturality in a decolonial optionMulticulturalismo e interculturalidad en clave decolonial
(Puerto Montt: Universidad Austral de Chile, 2019)
Teorias Críticas Decoloniais: perspectivas analíticas sobre realidades tensionadas entre colonialidade-decolonialidadeDecolonial Critical Theories: analytical perspectives on realities in tension between coloniality-decolonialityTeorías críticas decoloniales: perspectivas analíticas sobre realidades en tensión entre colonialidad-decolonialidad
(Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2023)
Teorias Pós-Colonialistas e Currículo: apontamentos para construção de uma pedagogia decolonial e antirracistaPost-Colonialist Theories and Curriculum: notes for the construction of a decolonial and anti-racist pedagogyTeorías postcolonialistas y currículo: apuntes para la construcción de una pedagogía decolonial y antirracista
(Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2023)
Postcolonial and decolonial perspectives: a proposal for a research agenda in accounting in Brazil
(Univ Fed Rural Pernambuco, Dept Administracao, 2017-09)
From discussion and reflection concerning the contributions of postcolonial and decolonial perspectives as research alternatives for the development of studies in Accounting, this paper proposes a research agenda in Brazil. ...
A Decolonialidade e o feminismo decolonial revistos a partir das categorias PMEST de Ranganathan
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação - PPGCICâmpus São Carlos, 2022-05-15)
Decoloniality is a movement dedicated to continuous reflection on the Latin American cultural, political and social reality. The decolonial nature arises from the practices of opposition and intervention from the moment ...
The field of Latin American decolonial thoughtEl campo del pensamiento decolonial latinoamericano
Decolonial Thinking and Configuration of Decolonial CompetenciesPensamiento decolonial y configuración de competencias decoloniales
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2019)