Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6903
Querying in the Age of Graph Databases and Knowledge Graphs
Graphs have become the best way we know of representing knowledge. The computing community has investigated and developed the support for managing graphs by means of digital technology. Graph databases and knowledge graphs ...
StructMatrix: large-scale visualization of graphs by means of structure detection and dense matrices
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEEAtlantic City, 2015-11)
Given a large-scale graph with millions of nodes and edges, how to reveal macro patterns of interest, like cliques, bi-partite cores, stars, and chains? Furthermore, how to visualize such patterns altogether getting insights ...
Foundations of modern query languages for graph databases
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2017)
We survey foundational features underlying modern graph query languages. We first discuss two popular graph data models: edge-labelled graphs, where nodes are connected by directed, labelled edges, and property graphs, ...
G-CORE a core for future graph query languages
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2018)
We report on a community effort between industry and academia to shape the future of graph query languages. We argue that existing graph database management systems should consider supporting a query language with two key ...
Link prediction in graph construction for supervised and semi-supervised learning
(International Neural Network Society – INNSIEEE Computational Intelligence SocietyKillarney, 2015-07)
Many real-world domains are relational in nature since they consist of a set of objects related to each other in complex ways. However, there are also flat data sets and if we want to apply graph-based algorithms, it is ...
Worst-Case-Optimal Similarity Joins on Graph Databases
We extend the concept of worst-case optimal equijoins in graph databases to the case where some nodes are required to be within the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) of others under some similarity function. We model the problem ...
Graph database with the entire water drainage network of the Brazilian hidrography
(Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da Unicamp, 2015)
The use of Horizon graphs to visualize bilateral biomechanical time-series of multiple joints
Movement analysis provides a vast amount of data, which, frequently, are not used in the clinical decision-making process. For example, traditional gait data visualization is based on a time-based display of joint angles, ...
Attribute-based Decision Graphs: A Framework For Multiclass Data Classification
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTDOxford, 2017)
Bisimulations on data graphs
(AI Access Foundation, 2018-01)
Bisimulation provides structural conditions to characterize indistinguishability from an external observer between nodes on labeled graphs. It is a fundamental notion used in many areas, such as verification, graph-structured ...